Gimnasio Campestre Nueva Alejandría

Idiomas: inglés y francés

En Nueva Alejandría creemos en la importancia del aprendizaje de nuevas lenguas, por esto planteamos como proyecto transversal el aprendizaje de los idiomas inglés y francés de una forma temprana, natural y progresiva que permite a los niños la integración de patrones gramaticales y fonéticos propios del idioma.

Los niños reciben la clase de matemáticas, ciencias y sociales en inglés de forma intensiva, incluyendo textos, comandos y experiencias vivenciales por medio de proyectos.

Spelling Bee contest

The purpose is to help students to improve spelling, to increase vocabulary, to learn concepts and to develop correct English usage for a lifetime.

Bilingualism at GCNA

Students can benefit in many ways from participating in bilingual education programs or classrooms. Some of the benefits of bilingual education relate to intellect, research has shown that students who can speak and write in multiple languages have cognitive advantages over their monolingual peers. Also, those who learn a second or third language from a young age are able to develop communication skills and a higher degree of literacy. Moreover, children who grow up in bilingual environments develop a keen awareness of how language works, and have a stronger foundation for learning additional languages in the future.

Students can also benefit academically from bilingual education, graduates who pursue higher education are typically required to take a foreign language at the collegiate level, so those who have been exposed to bilingual educational environments before college—and speak two or more languages—have an advantage over their peers. They can advance in their studies and feel comfortable with multiple communities of students on their campuses.

Students who are exposed to multiple languages throughout high school and college can also have long-term career benefits, their proficiency in multiple languages is an advantage when they graduate, and enter the workplace as professionals. International operations also have a great need for professionals who can speak multiple languages, and represent English speakers based organizations and companies.

While there are many benefits of bilingual education related to school and work, bilingual education programs also have a huge impact on students’ cultural and social growth. Children who grow up speaking English as a second language often come from culturally diverse backgrounds, then incorporating cultural education in the classroom can help create enriching academic experiences for all students.

Exploring multiple languages in the classroom provides a foundation for cultural education that allows students to learn and grow alongside classmates from a different cultural background. As a result, students learn to become more adaptable and more aware of the world around them.


Sede: Calle 9 Sur #5-184 Vereda El Canelón, Cajicá – Chía #Km 27, Cajicá, Cundinamarca

CEL: (301) 239 9102


Horario de atención: 7:00 am a 4:00 pm

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